Coffee Plant Care Guide

Light : High
Keep this plant in brightly lit conditions to help them thrive and grow fast.
Water : High
Use unsoftened, filtered, bottled, or tap water sitting 24 hours to release the chemicals and water enough that the water discharges out of the drainage holes. Once the water is fully drained, replace them back into the cache or decorative pot. Make sure they stays consistently moist and don't let them dry out.
Humidity : High
Keep the humidity level at 50% or higher. If the edges brown, keep a humidifier around them and mist regularly.
Temp : 65℉ - 80℉
Heat accelerates the shrub's growth, but the fruits need to ripen at a slower pace. In its native land, they thrive on the mountains in very humid environments where fog and rain are abundant.
Zone : 9|10|11
This plant will not tolerate frost or temperatures below 60°F if left outside.
Fertilizer : Every two weeks
Fertilize biweekly during their growing period with a balanced liquid fertilizer. Slow down fertilizing during the fall and winter months while the plant is in their dormant phase.
Repotting : Yearly
When receiving the Coffee Plant, do not repot immediately but wait at least 6-12 months or if the roots are beginning to get crowded and growing through the drainage holes. Repot in the spring, using a 2 inches bigger pot to keep the roots drier. (Too big of a planter could cause the soil to dry slower.) Place a piece of screening at the bottom of the container over the drainage hole to secure the soil and allow to drain. Use a well-draining indoor potting mix with perlite to help with drainage. Water your plant in the old pot before transferring over and let them sit an hour. Add rich potting soil to the bottom to elevate the root ball. Lift the plant and release the roots against the existing planter. Use a clean knife or garden trowel to wedge between the pot and the soil to loosen. Inspect the root ball. Notice if there are any dead or rotting roots and trim off with sterile pruners. If the plant is rootbound, cut through the roots to alleviate continued encircling. Ensure the plant is sitting about 1 inch below the edge of the pot to avoid water spillage. Add more soil and backfill around the sides by tamping down. Fill up to the soil line but not over. Water thoroughly, leaving the soil damp but not soggy. If settling occurs, add more soil. Water well to dampen the soil and let drain.
Cleaning : Bi-annually
If needed, clip your coffee plant to keep them compact and bushy. Remove any dead or damaged limbs off and keep the soil clean.
Propagation : Cuttings
Take green stem cuttings from the tips of the parent plant. Cut with sterile scissors taking a 8-10 inch cutting. Dip in rooting hormone and place them in moist potting soil. Cover with a clear plastic bag to retain moisture and humidity while it roots. Keep the cuttings in bright, indirect light. After four weeks, check the rooting of the baby cutting by pulling gently on the leaf. If they are snug, then roots are forming. Keep them covered until new shoots appear. Remove the clear bag at this point and keep evenly moist and humidity levels high while they mature.