As we grow plants to go out to homes across the nation, we enact our belief that every plant is a step towards a better, greener future.
We also do this by inspiring new green thumbs, as education is the first step in learning how vital plants are to our ecosystems. As we have grown with a unifying green mission, our eco-friendly mindset has guided us through every decision we have made. There are so many ways we work to make our process as supportive of the environment as possible. Here are just a few examples:
Sustainable Packaging
Our uniquely designed packaging not only keeps your plant safe, but was thoughtfully designed to be eco-friendly as well! Inside the box itself, every plant has a custom-made layer of compostable coco fabric to help compress and hold in place the soil during the sometimes rough shipping process. The box is made from recycled paper products such as cardboard and newsprint, we wanted to ensure that every part of our process is as green as possible, from the leaves on your new plants to the packaging it arrives in.

Eco Pots
Our eco-friendly pots are created by combining some of the highest grade recycled materials through a process through which no pollutants are used or produced! During the manufacturing all of the scraps are recycled, so no materials are wasted. Only a very small amount of water is used in the binding formula, and the pigments are organic and environmentally friendly. We use rice hulls, recycled plastic, and natural stone to make these entirely recyclable, UV resistant, indoor or outdoor pots! Learn more here!

Arbor Day Foundation Parnership
We are so proud to make every day Earth Day by donating a portion of our proceeds to the Arbor Day Foundation’s global reforestation efforts. The foundation also advocates for educational partnerships in order to help bring their mission everywhere across the world, even to your neighborhood! We love their commitment to a greener world and inspiring others towards this cause as well. To learn more about the foundation and how we support them, read more on our Arbor Day Partnership page.

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