Candy Corn Care Guide

A colorful plant with a profusion of red-orange tubular flowers that have been kissed on the ends in yellow lipstick! Keep her hanging around in a basket or creeping up a trellis.
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  • Light : High

    Add this plant to your full sun garden (6-8 hours) when temps are above 55°F. If the plant is getting leggy and not blooming, move it to a sunnier spot in the garden.

  • Water : Medium

    Keep the well-draining soil consistently moist during the spring, summer and fall and less in the winter months unless its under grow lights.

  • Humidity : Medium

    Average humidity above 45% is optimum for this plant.

  • Temp : 65℉ - 75℉

    If winterizing indoors, average indoor temps are fine as long as he is close to a window getting direct light. He doesn't like temps below 55°F or he will protest or die.

  • Zone : 9|10|11

    This plant can be overwintered indoors in a greenhouse or sunny window. It can briefly endure temps in the high 20s but must be sheltered from wind and in well draining soil.

  • Fertilizer : Every two weeks

    Fertilize when watering twice a month in the spring and summer with a 1/2 strength water-soluable fertilizer high in phosphorus to encourage blooms.

  • Repotting : 2 Years

    When receiving the plant, do not repot immediately but wait at least 6-12 months or if the roots are beginning to get crowded and growing through the drainage holes. Repot in the spring, using a 2" bigger pot to keep the roots drier. Too big of a pot could cause the soil to dry slower, which is not helpful. Use a well-draining indoor potting mix with coir and perlite for good drainage. Water your plant in the old pot before transferring over and let it sit an hour. Place a piece of screening at the bottom of the container over the drainage hole to secure the soil and allow it to drain. Add soil to the bottom to elevate the root ball. Lift the plant and release the roots against the existing planter. Use a clean knife or garden trowel to wedge between the pot and the soil to loosen. Inspect the root ball. Notice if there are any dead or rotting roots and trim off with sterile pruners. If the plant is rootbound, cut through the roots to alleviate continued encircling. Ensure the plant is sitting about 1" below the edge of the pot to avoid water spillage. Add more soil and backfill around the sides by tamping down. Fill up to the soil line but not over. Water thoroughly, leaving the soil damp but not soggy. If settling occurs, add more soil.

  • Cleaning : As needed

    Pruning this plant by half in the spring will promote new growth and keep it in shape.

  • Propagation : Cuttings

    Use sterilized pruners, remove 4-5 inches sections from the end of a stem (just below the node), and cut at an angle. Remove leaves from the lower part of the stem. Dip each branch in the rooting hormone to encourage root growth. Then place your cutting in a four-inch pot in a lightweight moist growing medium with perlite. Cover the potted plant loosely with a clear plastic bag to hold in humidity Set the baby cutting in warm, bright, indirect light for several weeks. Check moisture needs and don't let the medium get dry. After the stems have grown roots and anchored, you can remove the plastic bag and start fertilizing.