Red Rediculous Coleus Care Guide

This plant sends vibrations through the planting beds as she dances around in her ruby red dress swaying in the breeze. She'll dance in full sun or full shade.
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  • Light : High

    Outdoors: Plant this annual in garden beds with shade (2-4 hours) and part shade in the early morning sun (4-6 hours) in planting zones 11+. Indoors: Bright, indirect light, or supplemental lighting will be needed to keep the colors vibrant. Leaves will drop if he isn't given enough light!

  • Water : Medium

    Keep your coleus consistently moist in well-drained soil throughout the growing season. Avoid getting water on the leaves and leaving spots.

  • Humidity : High

    Coleus like high humidity levels. Add a pebble tray and humidifier if grown indoors.

  • Temp : 70℉ - 100℉

    Keep this plant in warm temperatures and don't expose them to temperatures below 50°F.

  • Zone : 11|12|13

    Outdoors: Keep this plant in a pot or garden bed. Use as an annual in areas where temperatures drop below 45°F

  • Fertilizer : Monthly

    Apply a balanced fertilizer at half-strength in the spring and summer months during the growing season. No fertilizer is needed in fall and winter.

  • Repotting : Yearly

    When receiving your plant, plant him in the outside container or gardening beds in drifts for colorful embellishment. He'll also be volumptious in a hanging basket. Plant when temperatures reach above 45°F at night or when the soil is consistently at 70°F during daylight hours.

  • Cleaning : Monthly

    During the growing season, when flowers appear, prune them off to give more energy to the leaves of the plant.

  • Propagation : Cuttings

    In the spring or summer, prune 3-4 inch stem cuttings from the parent plant. Set the stems in a jar filled with filtered, tap, or rainwater and replace the water twice a week. After several weeks, you'll notice roots bursting through nodules on the bottom of the stem. Once there is a sufficient root system, dip the ends in root hormone (mixed in water at a paste consistency) and place in damp, well-draining, moist potting soil mix and tamp down around the stem to secure. Use a container that has drainage and is deep enough for the roots to grow. Place the stem at least 1-2 inches down into the soil. Set in bright, indirect sunlight while they are rooting. Cover the cutting with a clear plastic bag to create adequate humidity levels. Check the moisture and humidity each day and add misting to keep the soil moist while the roots establish. After 6-8 weeks, roots will begin to establish. You can tug onto the stem to ensure the roots are secure. Transplant in a shady spot in the garden or in a porch container.