Simple Habanero Hot Sauce Recipe

Simple Habanero Hot Sauce
Credit - Calvin from Pepper Geek
Makes 1- 2 5oz bottles depending on size of peppers
15 - 20 medium Lively Root Habanero Peppers
1/2 cup White Vinegar
4 tsp White Sugar
2 cloves Garlic
1/2 tsp salt
*Reminder: Always wear gloves while handling hot peppers! 🌶️
Wash The Peppers.
Wash them thoroughly under cold water.
Remove Stems and Chop.
Remove the stems and discard. Rough chop the peppers and the garlic, keeping them separate. For a milder sauce, you can remove the seeds with a spoon.
Cook The Peppers In The Oil.
In a medium sauce pan, heat the olive oil on low heat, until it shimmers. Add the chopped peppers and cover. Cook until the peppers are very soft, about 8 minutes.
Add The Garlic.
Add the garlic to the pan and cook until fragrant, about 2 minutes.
Add Vinegar, Sugar and Salt.
Add the remaining ingredients and stir thoroughly. Allow the mixture to come to a soft simmer, cover and cook for an additional 10 minutes on low heat.
Allow to cool.
Remove the mixture from heat and allow to sit, covered, for 10 minutes.
Blend until smooth.
Pour the mixture into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. If the consistency is too thick, add vinegar by the teaspoon and blend until it is right.
Pour into bottles or jars.
Carefully distribute the hot sauce into jars or bottles.
Note: We recommend wearing a respirator mask and lab goggles while making super spicy hot sauce. Cooking habaneros releases capsaicin into the air and it doesn’t feel good! Open windows to get some ventilation.