Care Level: High Maintenance
Pet Friendly: Yes
Safe for pets
Origins: Brazil
Fun Facts: This dramatic mul...
This dramatic multi-colored herbaceous perennial is part of the Marantaceae family ( Prayer plant), mimicking the nyctinasty or the diurnal response of raising and lowering their leaves due to light exposure. This one will give you something to talk about! Interestingly, one theory botanists believe is they adapt in this movement to capture water on their leaves during the day and retain the moisture during the evening hours instead of evaporating. Six to twelve-inch long leaves arise on leafstalks from the center of the plant. The Stromanthe sanguinea ''Triostar' survives by adapting the leaf-blade facing or away from the sun. An upward folding of the leaves occurs at night, making the rosy pink bottom side more prominent. As the sun rises in the morning, the leaves will face the east to absorb the morning light. As more intense sunlight during the day develops, they shift to a more elevated position, so less of the leaf is displayed to protect itself.