When receiving your Cyclamen plant, do not repot immediately but wait at least 6-12 months or if the tubers are beginning to get crowded and growing through the drainage holes. Repot in the early spring after blooming, using a 2 inches bigger pot to keep the roots drier. (Too big of a planter could cause the soil to dry slower.) Place a piece of screening at the bottom of the container over the drainage hole to secure the soil and allow it to drain. Use our potting mix to help with drainage. Add well-draining interior potting mix to the bottom to elevate the root ball. Lift her and release the roots against the existing planter. Use a clean knife or garden trowel to wedge between the pot and the soil to loosen. Ensure she is sitting about 1 inch below the edge of the pot to avoid water spillage. Add more soil and backfill around the sides by tamping down. Fill up to the soil line but not over. Keep the soil barely moist throughout the spring and summer months, move her to a shady spot, and keep cool during its dormancy. In September (fall months), move her to a bright, indirect light spot and water. When leaves appear, you can begin fertilizing. If soil settling occurs after watering, add more periodically but do not cover the crown above the surface.