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  • White Oleander Tree Plant Featured Image
  • White Oleander Tree Plant Featured Image
  • White Oleander Tree Plant Featured Image

White Oleander Tree Plant

Nerium oleander 'White'

Size: Small Size Chart
Pot: Eco Planter
Eco Pot

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  • Pet Hazard:Toxic To Touch

  • Care Level:I'm Easy

Oleander (Nerium oleander 'White') is a specimen plant along highway medians because of her easy care. This beautiful evergreen is fast-growing and makes a great screen as it grows up to 10-20 feet tall. It's got a tropical flair and can handle hot climates, and is drought tolerant in well-draining soil. She is also a deer deterrent.
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Oleander Tree Plant Care Guide & Presentation

White Oleander Tree Plant

Oleander Plant: Overview

A gorgeous evergreen shrub, the Oleander (Nerium oleander ‘White’) produces an abundance of white blossoms with an enchanting, sweet aroma. This plant comes from the eastern Mediterranean and North Africa regions and belongs to the Apocynaceae (or dogbane) family. A plant frequently grown by the roadside in tropical and subtropical climate zones, the Oleander shrub can grow outdoors in hardiness zones 8-11, often reaching 20 ft. tall. This resilient plant can live for over 20 years. Oleanders are extremely sun-loving, drought-tolerant plants that need 6 to 8 hours of full sun daily. Once established, these amazing shrubs are super easy to care for.

Great at filtering and purifying the air, this gorgeous large plant also has some medicinal properties when used as an extract. However, all parts of the plant can be toxic to the touch, so the Oleander Nerium should be kept away from children and pets. Due to its hardy nature, the plant symbolizes hope and resilience.

Oleander Tree: Alternative Names

  • Kaner
  • Rosebay
  • Rose Laurel
  • Sweet (or Scented) Oleander

Oleander Plant Care Guide

Once it gets established, Nerium Oleander is very low-maintenance. Oleander tree care isn’t complicated, even for beginners. Here’s what to keep in mind:

Watering and Humidity

Oleander plants require an average to low amount of water. If grown outdoors in areas with regular rain, it’s best not to water too frequently to prevent overwatering. This plant prefers average humidity.

Light and Temperature

The Oleander shrub needs 6 to 8 hours of full sun daily for optimal blooming and good growth. It will thrive in sunny corners of your garden or patio. Place it near a south-facing window indoors to provide abundant sunlight.

Soil, Repotting, and Fertilizing

You can plant your Oleander in native soil outdoors, but fill half of the hole with compost if the soil in your garden is poor or contains a lot of clay. Water well until the roots are established and the plant adjusts to the new location. Use a sufficiently large pot filled with a well-draining potting mix to grow your Oleander as a porch plant. Repot young plants yearly using a slightly larger pot. Feed your Nerium plant with a potassium-rich fertilizer to encourage its amazing blooms.


You can propagate your Oleander from 4—or 5-inch stem cuttings made in the spring. Clip half of the larger leaves off, dip the cuttings in rooting hormone and plant them using a well-draining potting mix. Keep the moisture and humidity high until the cuttings take root. Due to its high toxicity, always wear gloves when handling your Oleander tree!

Pruning, Cleaning, and Common Issues

Prune your plant when it finishes blooming in September. Remove any faded flowers and damaged stems or branches. Yellowing leaves on your plant indicate too much light or insufficient watering, while faded-out leaves and stunted growth mean your plant receives too little light. Although the Oleander plant is very resilient, don’t forget to monitor it for pests occasionally.

Oleander: Placement, Companion & Alternative Plants

The White Oleander is a glorious bloomer that is a perfect addition to any porch or garden. Here are some ideas for the best placement:

Best Locations & Uses

  • A perfect plant for hedges to shield your yard from prying eyes because of its height
  • Great low-maintenance plant for beginners or people with busy schedules  
  • Ideal plant for sunny porches in warmer regions
  • Best for plant lovers with no pets
  • Great and easy-to-grow indoor plant when it’s small in size

Companion Plants

Oleander plants are both beautiful and easy to care for. You can combine this lovely shrub with other flowering plants for an amazing display.

  • Yellow Daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus): The bright, sunny flowers of the Yellow Daffodil make it the ultimate flower to welcome spring, complementing beautifully your Oleander.
  • Orange Flower Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginea): The perfect plant for a sunny room or patio, the Orange Flower Bird of Paradise plant will bring a unique, tropical note to your space.
  • Coffee Plant (Coffea arabica): The Coffee Plant produces scented white flowers that ripen into green fruit. It’s a sun-loving plant like the Oleander.

Alternative Plants

Before you choose an oleander for sale, remember that this beautiful shrub is highly toxic to animals. This is why we’ve prepared a few gorgeous plant alternatives that are completely pet-safe:

  • Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens): Known for its elegant foliage and excellent air-purifying properties, the pet-friendly Areca Palm will add instant style to your interior or porch.
  • Variegated Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum): One of the most popular house plants, the Spider Plant is pet-friendly and easy-care, growing a fountain-like crown of striped leaves and producing an occasional sprig of delicate white flowers.
  • Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea recurvata): The whimsical Ponytail Palm is a great pet-safe choice for a sunny location. If grown outdoors, it is suitable for hardiness zones 9 through 11.

Green up Your Space With The White Oleander Plant From Lively Root

Invite that Mediterranean charm into your home or garden by getting one of our fabulous oleander plants for yourself or as a special gift for a friend or relative!

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