How to Grow and Care for your Star Jasmine

Star Jasmine plants are sought after for how wonderful they are at trellising and beautifying outdoor spaces. With their fragrant white blooms they are sure to enhance any area!

By: Hannah McWhorter
January 27, 2022
How to Grow and Care for your Star Jasmine
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What is a Star Jasmine Plant?

Star Jasmine is a beautiful flowing plant that can thrive indoors or outdoors! The evergreen vine of this plant brings green to any space, and the star-like white flowers that bloom seasonally in the early to late spring are stunning. These flowers let off a unique, beautiful scent as well! These plants can be grown annually where they aren't hardy, but in many zones (8-11) they will continue adding green to your outdoor spaces all year.


These plants love to trellis, making them a fantastic pick for a privacy plant on a fence or a way to decorate a railing or shelf. In fact, they can grow up to 6 full feet in a single season! They also can be used as a lush ground cover. Pollinators also love this plant, making it great for a pollinator-friendly garden. 


(PS - Lively Root lets you buy indoor plants online, such as the Star Jasmine!)

Toxicity Level

Star Jasmine are non-toxic for pets, cats, dogs, and people! You can feel totally safe putting this plant anywhere without worrying about your furry friends getting into it. However, as with any unfamiliar food, eating an unusual plant can cause stomach upset in pets or people. 

Care Level

Star Jasmine are non-toxic for pets, cats, dogs, and people! You can feel totally safe putting this plant anywhere without worrying about your furry friends getting into it. However, as with any unfamiliar food, eating an unusual plant can cause stomach upset in pets or people. 

Great for People:

  • Who are new plant owners and want something easy to start with
  • Who are on the go and need lower-maintenance plants
  • Who love flowering plants
  • Who are interested in outdoor gardening
  • Who love great smelling plants and flowers


Great for Spaces Like:

  • Homes with bright, indirect light
  • A space with higher ceilings
  • Where it can trellis, like railings, fences, or shelving
  • Those with any level of humidity
  • Outdoor privacy walls

How to Care for a Star Jasmine Plant

Light preference

Star Jasmine prefers a lot of bright, indirect light when indoors. When outside, it prefers full sun (6-8 hours) to part sun (4-6 hours) and decent humidity. If you live in a hotter, dryer area, make sure to protect them from the intense afternoon sun to prevent scorching on the leaves. It can struggle to grow in lower light areas and quickly become unhealthy. Make sure they get enough bright light so they can grow and flourish! 


Your Star Jasmine will do best if you ensure that their soil dries out between watering days. There are a few ways you can check this, but the most common is to gently poke a wooden skewer or finger into the soil to feel if the top two inches are dry. When watering, make sure to use water that has been filtered, collected rainwater, or bottled water to keep the plant healthy. Tap water and the minerals in it can cause a plant to become unhealthy or can attribute to deposits building up. To prevent root rot or too much water, make sure to pour out the tray under your planter after watering or use a tower to dry excess water.

Ideal Temps

Star Jasmine is happiest outside in Zones 8-11 in temperatures between 50°F and 90°F. If there is going to be a freeze, you should be prepared to bring this plant inside to prevent it from getting damaged. Inside, Star Jasmine is quite hardy to normal temperatures and shouldn't have any issues.

Plant Food/Fertilizer

These plants don't need too much fertilizer to keep them growing beyond their boundaries! Outside, use compost around the root system to invigorate them and keep them fed and happy once a year. Inside, you can instead use a diluted fertilizer at half strength once a year. Make sure to fertilize the plant in the warmer months - in the winter, plants need less extra food so they can rest during the darker, shorter days. Also, always make sure to avoid fertilizing your plant when they are stressed (for example, when they are extra dry or if they are having issues with pests or diseases). 

Repotting Frequency

When your Star Jasmine first arrives, don't immediately repot them. They will want to get used to their new home first, and it can shock them to be repotted so quickly. Wait about 6-12 months, or if you see the roots starting to rise to the surface of the soil. Before you begin repotting the plant, water it in the old pot. Try to repot your plants in the late winter, and use a 2" bigger pot with a screen at the bottom to help secure your soil. The soil should be well-draining, and for indoor plants, we suggest a mix with perlite, sphagnum peat moss, and pine bark to help both with drainage and acidity. Make sure to follow our guide when repotting, but also know that the Star Jasmine rarely needs to be repotted! Prune them in the spring and summer to keep them within boundaries.



When it comes time to trim your plant, you can keep the cuttings to propagate the plant! Trim about 6 inches of healthy cutting from the end of the plant below a leaf node. Dip the new cuttings into water and then into a rooting hormone. Stick the cutting into a potting mix or damp sand that is well-draining. Place a clear plastic bag over the cutting, and mist to create a greenhouse effect! Also, make sure to put the container in a warm room at 75°F in bright, indirect sunlight. Continue to water often and mist occasionally for 6-8 weeks until the roots are secure!


In the early spring and summer, clip and prune to tidy up the vine. Remove dead foliage and stems, and if needed, cut them completely back to fight overgrowth. Make sure to use gloves while doing this, as the plant's milky sap may irritate your skin. If indoors, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust and debris, or spray with water occasionally to help prevent buildup.


Common Issues of the Star Jasmine Plant

Star Jasmine, like any other plant, can be susceptible to pests. Make sure to always check in on your plants during watering for potential signs of disease or bugs under the leaves, on the stems, and even on the soil's surface. Common pests include spider mitesscale, or mealybugs

Paying close attention to your plants can turn a potential infestation into a minor cleanup or oil application, so make sure to check often and thoroughly!


Other common issues with Star Jasmine include fungal diseases. Blight, rust, and Fusarium wilt all affect many plants, including these ones. Keep an eye out for browning leaves, strange discoloration, especially in patches or halo shapes, and stem discoloration.


Complimentary Plants with your Star Jasmine Plant:

Gardenia Veitchii are very similar in their needs to Star Jasmine and are also often grown outdoors in zones 8-10! They like the same levels of light as Star Jasmine, and also prefer to dry out between waterings. While also adorned with white flowers, rather than star-shaped they are reminiscent of a rose. They are another great, aromatic pick that adds more evergreen vibes to your spaces! 


Giant Birds of Paradise are a great plant to pair with Star Jasmine indoors, adding some tropical flair to your green space! Also requiring high levels of light, these plants are a bit less demanding when it comes to water needs. While they don't often flower, when they do, the beautiful white, purples, and reds will be sure to stun you! 


For more information on caring for your new indoor plant, check out our comprehensive care guide here.


Want to buy your plants online? Find Star Jasmine here!