Learn When And How Often to Water Your Monstera: Tips for Healthy Growth

Are you a proud owner of a dramatic Monstera plant, trying to master its care needs? Then, maybe, you’re wondering about its water requirements. And too right! Watering is a critical aspect of these beauties’ maintenance. Done incorrectly, it can lead to various problems for your plant.
For Monstera, proper watering is essential to ensure healthy growth and prevent issues, such as root rot or dehydration. Understanding your Monstera’s watering needs, checking soil moisture levels, and adjusting your watering routine, based on the conditions, play a significant role in helping your plant flourish year-round.
In this guide, you’ll learn how often to water Monstera, the best watering techniques to keep it thriving, and simple solutions to prevent or remedy issues with an overwatered or underwatered Monstera.
About Monstera Plants

Monstera (Monstera deliciosa) is a popular tropical plant from Central America. This low-maintenance climbing evergreen is often kept as a houseplant, due to its unique shape and glossy, heart-shaped fenestrated leaves. The plant does well in bright, indirect light and needs a humid, warm environment for maximum growth. Most Monsteras are not hard to propagate so you can expand your collection of these easy-care Swiss Cheese plants, as they are commonly known, in no time.
Monsteras are much-loved statement plants that symbolize good luck and positive energy. However, they are mildly toxic to pets and can cause discomfort if ingested. Three popular varieties include Monstera Thai Constellation (Monstera deliciosa ‘Thai Constellation’), known for its creamy white marbling; Split Leaf Philodendron,(Monstera deliciosa) famous for its large, split leaves; and the Swiss Cheese Monstera (Monstera adansonii), which features smaller leaves with holes.
Each Monstera variety has slightly different watering needs, depending on their size and leaf structure. Understanding these unique requirements is, thus, necessary to provide your plant the best care it deserves.
How Often Should I Water My Monstera?
You only need to water your Monstera when the topsoil feels dry. In addition, you should always observe the overall appearance of your plant and its foliage, which can indicate that your Monstera is thirsty.
When to Water Monstera
Your Monstera generally needs watering once every 1-2 weeks or so, but sticking to a fixed schedule isn't as beneficial as paying attention to the soil’s moisture levels. Always examine the soil before watering, ensuring it's slightly dry to prevent the risk of overwatering.
Focusing on the soil’s condition rather than following a strict schedule will ensure your Monstera stays healthy, preventing issues like root rot.
How Much Water Does a Monstera Need?
Sometimes it’s not easy to gauge how much water a Monstera needs. As a general rule, water until the soil gets completely saturated and excess water drains out from the drainage holes. You can either bottom water or water over the soil to ensure every part of the root system gets evenly hydrated.
How to Water Monstera Properly

So, what is the best way to water your Monstera? Like with most houseplants, bottom watering, and over-the-soil watering are the two ideal methods to use.
Here's an overview of each of these Monstera watering techniques:
- Bottom watering: This method involves placing your Monstera’s pot in a tray filled with water for about 30 minutes, allowing the soil to absorb moisture from the bottom up. This method promotes even water distribution, encouraging the roots to grow downwards and ensuring the entire root ball gets hydrated.
- Over-the-soil watering: This approach requires watering directly over the soil surface until you see the water draining from the pot’s holes. This technique refreshes the soil and provides water to the roots more directly. Also, it helps prevent salt build-up in the soil.
Do Monsteras Like to Be Bottom Watered?
It is not just Monsteras; most houseplants like to be bottom-watered. This way, the plant absorbs the water it needs more effectively and prevents root rot, as long as you don’t leave the pot sitting in water for too long. When the topsoil doesn't get too wet, this keeps pests at bay.
Can I Use Tap Water for Monstera?
You can use tap water to hydrate your Monstera, but allow it to sit out for at least 24 hours before using it. This is important, as the chlorine and fluoride present in tap water can accumulate in the soil over time, causing nutrient imbalances that can damage your plant's roots. Filtered, distilled, or clean rainwater is a better long-term alternative to tap water, as it doesn't harm the roots in any way.
Do Monsteras Like Coffee Water?
Yes, Monsteras like coffee water, as they do well in slightly acidic soil. Coffee grounds also improve the soil and can enrich it with essential nutrients. Still, coffee water cannot replace fertilizers completely. You should still feed your Monstera in the growing season to promote healthy growth.
To use coffee water safely, dilute 1-2 cups of composted coffee grounds in around 5 gallons of water. Fresh coffee grounds are too acidic and can burn your plant’s sensitive roots. Let the mixture steep overnight. Next day, strain the solution and transfer it to a spray bottle. Your coffee-based liquid fertilizer is ready for use.
Watering Monstera: Mistakes to Avoid

Even seasoned plant enthusiasts can make watering mistakes, leading to leaf issues that need fixing in due time. Be it drooping, curling, browning, or yellowing leaves, or fungal growth around the roots, your Swiss Cheese Monstera will have some tell-tale signs that it’s not happy with how you’ve been watering it. The main thing to remember is to consider the environmental changes and growing conditions you keep your Monstera in. Temperature fluctuations, lighting, and humidity all play a role in adjusting your watering routine.
Both overwatering and underwatering can harm your Monstera’s health and should be tackled with the right approach.
How Do You Know When a Monstera Needs Water?
Tropical plants like Monsteras indicate underwatering in a variety of ways, such as:
- Stunted growth
- Drooping
- Light brown spots across the leaves
- Crisp edges of the leaves
- Curling leaves
- Yellow leaves
- Dry soil
How to Help Underwatered Monstera
If your Monstera shows the above signs of underwatering, give it a deep soak. Water the plant thoroughly until excess water starts to flow out from the bottom. Ensure the pot has a good number of drainage holes to avoid standing water, which can trigger more problems for your plant. Move your plant if needed to a spot with filtered light. Monitor your Monstera for the next few weeks for signs of recovery, such as new leaves, normal growth rate, etc.
What Does an Overwatered Monstera Look Like?
Overwatering is more harmful to your plant and can be identified by the following signs:
- Fungal growth (also called root rot)
- Drooping or wilting leaves
- Pests
- Soft stems
- Very slow to no growth
- Yellow leaves
How Do You Fix Overwatered Monstera?
Helping an overwatered Monstera can be challenging. First, let the soil dry out completely by refraining from watering your plant. You may also consider moving your plant to a warmer and brighter spot to help it dry out quicker. Replacing the waterlogged soil with fresh dry soil is also an option if your plant is still small. If you suspect root rot, gently remove the plant from its pot, trim away any damaged roots, and repot your Monstera in a fresh, well-draining potting mix. Again, ensure the pot has good drainage to prevent waterlogging in the future.
Moving forward, water your Monstera only if the topsoil is dry. Use a soil moisture meter if unsure and measure the moisture levels of the soil.
How Often to Water a Monstera Plant: FAQs
Q: Should I water my Monstera from the top or bottom?
A: You can water your Monstera from the top or bottom. Bottom watering, however, is recommended for a more thorough soak. It gets the roots fully hydrated without leaving the topsoil too wet.
Q: Do Monstera like to be misted?
A: Frequent misting is fine for tropical beauties like Monstera, especially when the humidity is low.
Q: Do Monsteras like to dry out?
A: Monstera plants don't like to dry out too much. Their soil should be moist but not soggy, which can be achieved by watering the plant once every 1-2 weeks. When the top inch of the soil feels dry, it’s time to water your green companion.
Q: How long can Monstera go without water?
A: Monstera won't complain if left without water for 1-2 weeks, provided there's enough moisture in the air surrounding it.
Q: Do Monsteras like to be soaked?
A: Monsteras appreciate soaking once in a while on hot summer days. Soaking your plant is also recommended if the soil feels parched and the leaves are wilting, curling, or turning brown and yellow.
Watering your Monstera correctly is key to its long-term health and optimal growth. By paying attention to soil moisture and adjusting your watering routine based on your plant’s environment, you can avoid issues like root rot, dehydration, wilting, leaf curling, and drooping.
Although your stunning Monstera can be the perfect centerpiece plant, for an even more vibrant indoor space, consider pairing it with companion plants like Sansevieria, the Golden Pothos, or a variety of Philodendrons, which share similar care needs and thrive in similar conditions.