Prayer Plants For Sale

Prayer Plant Care, Presentation & Buying Guide

Explore Lively Root’s Prayer Prayer Plants Buying Guide and learn more about their unique features and distinct personalities. Whether you’re a seasoned plant parent or a beginner, join us to discover the versatility and beauty that prayer plants can bring to your indoor oasis! 

Prayer plants are a member of the Marantaceae family, comprising several low-lying species native to Brazil. They are famous for exhibiting a natural behavior known as nyctinasty. This type of movement has been observed in certain plants in response to the onset of darkness or night. The plant’s unique leaves fold up at night, looking like hands in prayer, and unfold during the day. 

Our collection boasts a variety of prayer plants to choose from, be it the pretty Calathea Orbifolia or the high-maintenance Maranta Leuconeura.

Prayer Plant Care, Presentation & Buying Guide

Benefits of Prayer Plants

Prayer Plants are popular houseplants that are easy to care for and can bring peace and serenity to any room. They are also visually dramatic and active. However, that’s not the only benefit of having a prayer plant in your home. Here are a few more reasons to go shopping for a prayer plant for sale:

Amazing Air-Purifiers 

NASA revealed in its 1989 Clean Air Study that houseplants can help purify the air in our homes, and prayer plants are no exception. They can remove potentially harmful VOCs from the air. 

Adaptable and Resilient

Prayer plants can tolerate a range of light conditions. They do best when they get around 6 to 8 hours of bright indirect sunlight. These beauties can also tolerate low-light conditions

Symbol of Gratitude and Good Luck

Thanks to their ‘praying’ leaves, prayer plants have a beautiful meaning and are often associated with gratitude. These tropical plants also have Feng shui properties and can bring good luck and prosperity. 

Non-toxic to Humans and Pets

Prayer plants have been listed by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) as non-toxic and pet-friendly plants.

Get to Know the Different Types of Prayer Plants

Prayer plant Pet friendly

Discover our collection's enchanting array of prayer plant varieties, each possessing its unique charm.

Calathea Cathedral Windows

  • Distinctive traits: Stained glass appearance with green swipes of evergreen brushed on either side of the midrib against silvery-green leaves with deep purple undersides.

  • Requirements: Calathea Cathedral Windows can grow up to 18 inches tall and do best in high-humidity areas.

Calathea Peacock

  • Distinctive traits: Watermelon colors of dark red on the bottom and variegated green and yellow on the top.

  • Requirements: A medium-care plant, the Calathea Peacock Prayer Plant thrives in humid environments.

Maranta Red Prayer Plant

  • Distinctive traits: Broad, oval leaves have two-color variegated spots with red veining on the top side and a reddish color on the bottom side

  • Requirements: Regarding caring for a Maranta Red Prayer Plant, you’ll find it prefers to be pot-bound and should be in a fairly shallow pot due to its shallow root system.

Calathea Rattlesnake

  • Distinctive traits: Leaves have distinctive markings of limelight green with darker brush strokes and burgundy underside.

  • Requirements: Calathea Rattlesnake requires average humidity and medium to low indirect light.

Which Prayer Plant Is Right for Your Indoor Space?

Peacock prayer plant

Considering the diverse options available, selecting the ideal prayer plant is an exciting endeavor. Tailor your choice based on the specific needs of your indoor space. Consider lighting conditions, available space, and lifestyle preferences for easy care

Prayer plants flourish as enchanting decor in various settings, from living rooms to offices. Don’t overlook the opportunity to extend their allure to exterior spaces, like porches or hanging pots, during summer. 

Explore the possibilities and find a prayer plant that seamlessly integrates with your unique style and surroundings.

Prayer Plant Care & Growing Tips

All varieties or cultivars of prayer plants require more or less the same type of care. Here are some tips for caring for a prayer plant, whether you’re looking for a Calathea prayer plant or a Maranta prayer plant for growing indoors or outdoors. 

Watering Rituals

Maintaining a consistent watering schedule is crucial for the well-being of your prayer plants. Ensure the soil stays consistently moist but not waterlogged. Adjust the frequency based on the specific type of prayer plant you have.

Light, Humidity, and Temperature Considerations

Place your prayer plant in indirect light, shielding it from harsh sunlight. These plants thrive in high humidity, ideal for bathrooms or regular misting. Maintain a warm, tropical environment to mimic their native habitat.

Soulful Soil, Feeding, and Propagation

Opt for well-draining, nutrient-rich soil to keep your prayer plant flourishing. Feed it with a balanced fertilizer during the growing season. While a Calathea prayer plant will appreciate slightly more frequent feeding, a Maranta Red Prayer Plant will prefer a more moderate approach. 

Pruning and Cleaning Rituals

Prune your prayer plant to manage its size and enhance its appearance. Regularly remove yellow or damaged leaves. Wipe the leaves gently with a damp cloth to keep them dust-free, ensuring optimal photosynthesis.

Navigating Common Prayer Plant Predicaments

Be mindful of issues like brown leaf edges or curling, often indicative of low humidity. Adjust watering if the soil is consistently wet or dry. Monitoring your plant’s reactions will help you address concerns promptly.

Choose Lively Root for an Effortlessly Chic and Vibrant Home!