Grows best in bright, direct sunlight.
Bird of Paradise Care Guide & Presentation

Giant Bird of Paradise Overview
The Giant Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia nicolai) is a spectacular plant with broad, glossy leaves and an unusual white and blue flower that resembles a bird. It belongs to the Strelitziaceae family, a distant relative of banana plants. The plant is native to South Africa but has been successfully naturalized in parts of Mexico. It can grow outdoors in hardiness zones 10-12. As its name suggests, it can grow very large, reaching up to 30 ft. in height in the wild.
Although its lifespan depends mainly on its growing conditions, Strelitzia nicolai is a plant known for its remarkable longevity, up to 50 or more years. The Bird of Paradise plant is very sun-loving and can tolerate several hours of direct sunlight daily. This fantastic tropical plant is very low-maintenance and is a good fit for people new to gardening. However, if ingested, it’s toxic to pets, so make sure that you keep your Bird of Paradise plant out of your pet’s reach.
The Bird of Paradise has a powerful association with exotic, distant lands. It symbolizes joy, excitement, and freedom and is believed to bring good luck and prosperity in Feng Shui. As a gift plant, it symbolizes faithfulness in love and is a popular choice for the ninth wedding anniversary.
Other plants from the Strelitzia family are the Narrow-Leaved Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia juncea), an endangered variety, and the stunning bloomer Orange Flower Bird of Paradise plant (Strelitzia reginea).
Bird of Paradise Plant Benefits
- Removes harmful toxins, purifies the air, and thus relieves allergies
- Drought-tolerant plant that helps you conserve water
- Attracts wildlife, like birds and butterflies, to your garden
- Easy-care houseplant with beautiful blossoms and aesthetic appeal
Strelitzia Nicolai Giant Bird of Paradise: Alternative Names
- Bird of Paradise
- White Bird of Paradise
- Wild Banana
- White Crane Flower
- Strelitzia augusta
Giant Bird of Paradise Plant Care Guide
The Strelitzia Nicolai Giant Bird of Paradise is an absolute stunner with its striking, bird-like flowers and dramatic leaves. Nonetheless, it’s easy to grow both indoors and outdoors if you know the following Bird of Paradise care tips:
Watering and Humidity
The Bird of Paradise plant is relatively drought-tolerant and doesn't like wet feet. Water your Strelitzia plant well every 1-2 weeks and let the soil dry before watering again. The White Bird of Paradise thrives in moderate humidity levels of 30-50%, but it can tolerate higher levels of moisture in the air.
Light and Temperature
For the best Bird of Paradise plant care, as an indoor plant, place your Strelitzia nicolai, where it would receive several hours of bright direct light. If you want to grow your Bird of Paradise as a patio plant, ensure it’s in the shade. Keeping it out of direct sun rays (preferably only catching the morning sun) will prevent leaf burn. Strelitzias grow best at 65° F - 80°F.
Soil, Rpotting, Propagation, and Fertilizing
This large tropical plant prefers well-draining soil that you can mix with some perlite for best results. Feeding this flowering plant with a balanced fertilizer twice a month is essential to encourage abundant blooms. Repot your Bird of Paradise plant in a year or two when it outgrows its pot. You can propagate your plant by dividing the rhizomes when repotting.
Pruning, Cleaning, and Common Issues
Spring is the best time to prune a sizeable indoor Bird of Paradise. Remove dead leaves and flowers to keep the plant compact and lush. Clean the leaves under a shower to eliminate dust. Check your Bird of Paradise plant regularly for leaf issues and insect pests, like aphids and mealybugs. Other common problems with this plant include bacterial wilt and leaf spot.
Giant Bird of Paradise: Placement, Companion & Alternative Plants
With its striking deep green foliage, a large Bird of Paradise plant can be a beautiful statement all on its own. But by combining it with other plants, you can create a stunning jungle corner with exotic vibes.
Best Locations & Uses
- Ideal for sunny locations, as it can tolerate bright sunlight
- Suitable for beginners because it requires minimal care
- Great drought-tolerant tropical plant for patios or balconies in warm climate zones
- Requires little maintenance, making it a wonderful office plant in the right conditions
- Attracts pollinators, making it an excellent choice for people who support local biodiversity
Companion Plants
When choosing a Giant Bird of Paradise for sale, combine it with other sun-loving plants to create your very own green oasis:
- Aralia Fabian (Polyscias scutellaria): Low-maintenance and sun-loving, the tropical Aralia Fabian is an attractive upright plant that sports small, round green leaves with a maroon underside.
- Pygmy Date Palm Tree (Phoenix roebelenii): This excellent indoor plant has slender and airy fronds, which will complement the Giant Bird of Paradise’s broad leaves nicely.
- Sansevieria Zeylanica Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata Zeylanica): Resilient and easy to care for, the Zeylanica Snake Plant's beautifully patterned, vertical leaves will add interest to your interior.
Alternative Plants
While the Bird of Paradise is a fantastic house plant, it is toxic to cats and dogs, so pet owners may want to consider these pet-friendly alternatives:
- Dwarf Cavendish Banana Tree (Musa acuminata): The lush leaves of the Dwarf Cavendish Banana Tree resemble those of the Giant Bird of Paradise, to which this beautiful, non-toxic tropical plant is distantly related.
- Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens): One of the best indoor palm trees, the Areca Palm is pet-friendly and easy to grow. It adds a vibrant jungle note to any interior.
- Tropical Delight Guzmania Bromeliad (Guzmania bromeliad): The pet-safe and remarkably colorful Tropical Delight Guzmania will brighten any corner with its long-lasting inflorescence set in the center of its gently curving leaves.
Get a Stunning Strelitzia Nicolai From LivelyRoot Today!
Bring the thrill of the tropics into your home with a lush White Bird of Paradise plant today!
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