How to Grow and Care for your Neanthe Bella Parlor Palm

What is a Neanthe Bella Parlor Palm?
This small, tropical palm tree is native to the rainforests in Guatemala and Southern Mexico. Being a smaller plant that thrives in the rainforest, they prefer medium, bright, indirect light and can be burned by too much direct sunlight. This plant is also referred to as the Lucky Palm or the Dwarf Palm. In the wild, they can grow up to 6 or 9 feet tall, but they are more likely to stay somewhere between 2 to 4 feet indoors.
One of the most sold indoor plants worldwide, this tropical plant brings evergreen, elegant vibes to your green spaces. With enough TLC, they even can bloom stunning, spiraling tiny yellow flowers! These plants are a favorite for many reasons, one of which is how easy they are to care for.
Toxicity Level
The Neanthe Bella Parlor Palm is non-toxic for pets, cats, and dogs! Due to their feathery fronds, they are pretty enticing, especially to cats. If you are worried about your plant being damaged, keep it up and out of reach where the leaves are draping less temptingly! Many types of palms are not safe for pets, making the Parlor Palm an excellent pick for pet parents.
Care Level
One of the appeals of the Neanthe Bella Parlor Palm is how easy they are to care for. They can go quite a while without water, they don’t need extreme levels of light, and just like to be spritzed with water occasionally! One of the few things you need to be careful of is keeping away from cold drafts, but beyond that, they are a great beginner plant.
Great for People:
- Who love a variety of textures in their plant collection
- Who love rainforests
- Who have pets
- Who are on the go and need lower-maintenance plants
- Who don’t mind spritzing their plants occasionally
Great for Spaces Like:
- Partial shade patios
- Spaces with medium, indirect light
- Shelving or mantle places
- Tabletops or desks
- Somewhat humid rooms
How to Care for a Neanthe Bella Parlor Palm
Light preference
Neanthe Bella Parlor Palms like medium levels of indirect sunlight. They are known for even surviving lower-light conditions, but without enough sun, they can start to get ‘leggy’ and struggle to grow correctly. We recommend putting it near a southern, eastern, or western window, but make sure it isn’t too directly in the light.
Even if you forget to water these plants for a little while, they usually are able to pull through! Neanthe Bella Parlor Palms like their soil to dry out completely between waterings. To check, use a wooden skewer in the soil to look for any signs of dampness. When dry, water thoroughly, making sure that water runs through the pot and then letting it drain completely before putting them back on their tray or saucer. If you come back later and see the saucer filled with water, empty it out to prevent root rot or over hydrating the plant. Parlor Palms like a bit of humidity, so if the room it is in isn't humid, make sure to spritz it occasionally or put a humidifier by it!
Ideal Temps
Palms, including the Parlor Palm, are often sensitive to the cold. These plants do best at temperatures between 68°F and 80°F. Colder drafts, especially those below 50°F, can cause them to grow more slowly. To keep these plants happy, keep them away from areas such as AC vents, chilly windows, or doors to the outside.
Plant Food/Fertilizer
Neanthe Bella Parlor Palms like to be fertilized monthly. Give them a slow-release fertilizer on the surface of the soil when you water and replenish as needed. Slow down your fertilizing in the fall and winter months, as the plant needs time to rest and recharge! Prevent getting fertilizer directly on the plant when possible.
Repotting Frequency
Upon getting your new Parlor Palm, try to wait to repot them for 6-12 months as they get used to their new space. If you start seeing the roots poke through the bottom of the pot or above the soil, you can repot earlier! These plants should be repotted about every two years or as needed. Use a 2" bigger pot and place a screen over the bottom of the container to hold the soil in place. Use a soil that is a well-draining indoor potting mix amended with 25% compost to help with fertility! When possible, try to replant during the winter. Follow our guide when repotting for extra help!
Parlor Palms are propagated through division. Water your plant the night before you want to propagate them. Tease and pull apart the mass of roots, and pull away several healthy stalks with leaves attached to the clumps. Put these clumps into their own pots that measure 2 inches wider than the root mass. Put them in a well-draining potting mix that is amended with rooting hormone, and put it in medium, incorrect light. Make sure to check on them and moist often to keep the soil damp while the roots establish. Make sure to keep the air around them humid through misting, a humidifier, or a pebble tray.
When you water your Neanthe Bella Parlor Palm, it is the perfect time to check for browning or yellowing leaves. These can be signs to warn you something is wrong but should also be removed to help the plant. If the tips of leaves are browning, remove them with a sterilized knife or scissors. To clean the dust off the leaves, place the Parlor Palm in a tub or shower, then fill a watering can with filtered, bottled, or rainwater and shower the leaves gently.
Common Issues of the Neanthe Bella Parlor Palm
The most common issue people have with their Parlor Palm is overwatering. If the roots of this plant are too wet for too long due to overwatering or the saucer being left too wet, they can easily develop root rot. When this happens, one of the first signs is that your plant's leaves will start turning yellow. You can also underwater this plant, which can lead to crispy brown leaf tips or leaves.
Just like most other plants, the Parlor Palm can be susceptible to pests. To try to prevent pest spread, make sure to carefully examine your plants when you water them, including the underside of leaves and the surface of the soil. Some common pests for you to keep an eye out for include spider mites, scale, or mealybugs. If you notice a plant may be infested, quarantine it as soon as possible to protect your other plants!
Complimentary Plants with your Neanthe Bella Parlor Palm:
The Boston Fern has very similar requirements to the Neanthe Bella Parlor Palm. They prefer medium indirect light, some humidity, and to fully dry out between waterings. These plants are very hardy and look lovely in a hanging basket. The textures of these two plants pair perfectly, creating an elegant greenspace in your home!
If you want a plant that has a different look from the Parlor Palm to pair it with, many Dracaena or Dragon Trees have similar requirements! They often have the same light, humidity, and watering needs, making your life easier when putting together your plant care schedule. We suggest looking at the many varieties, as they come in many colors, shapes, and sizes!
For more information on caring for your new indoor plant, check out our comprehensive care guide here.