Fall Plant Care Tips

By: Hannah McWhorter
September 27, 2022
Fall Plant Care Tips
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Time for a fertilizer vacay - yes, you fertilize your plants less in fall and winter. As the weather cools, the leaves fall, and the days get shorter, your plants go dormant. That means you don't need to fertilize until spring! Your plants aren't actively growing during winter months. They will, however, still need your attention with watering (though, they may need less than warmer months), bug patrol, adequate lighting, and attentive care.

Check the temps at night if your plants are sitting on the deck, screened-in porch, or balcony. If the temperature dips below 60°F, it's time to find a place on the shelf indoors for the colder months!

Indoor plants prefer to stay at even temperature levels with no fluctuations. If your outdoor temps get too breezy or you're getting that autumn air, bring them indoors to protect them from harm!


If you've had your indoor plants sitting outdoors, bathe them before moving them indoors for the cooler months. Use an insecticidal soap mix and water to shower them down and rinse. Look for the creepy crawlies that may be trying to hitchhike inside! Check under the leaves and down each stem.

If you think some pests could be hiding in your soil, you can dunk the grower pot into a bucket of water, slightly covering the soil surface for fifteen minutes. The nasty bugs will float to the top. Scoop them off and let your plant thoroughly drain in a bright, indirect spot.

To prepare your indoor plants for the cooler months as they enter dormancy, don't forget to spritz them periodically to rid them of bugs. Additionally, we suggest our Arber's Organic Bio Insecticide as a preventative measure to keep the nasty bugs away every 10-14 days! This biweekly routine will protect all the plants sitting next to each other and give your plants a boost of good bacteria that works as a natural pest control and plant stimulant to boost their root growth while in dormancy.

Give your plants a good watering before bringing them indoors for the cooler months, and use our digital thermometer to track when to water next! Our fingers don't always reach down to where the plant's roots are located, thus not giving you a scientific reading of when to water. Over and underwatering is the main culprit of plant death! This gadget takes the guesswork out of watering and keeps your plant's happy!


Don't get lazy and forget to lift your plant out of the cachepot when giving them a drink! When watering, take your plant to the sink or shower to let them drain thoroughly! Learn more about watering with plant expert Miss Debbie!


Your indoor plants will miss the humidity if they enjoy the outdoors during the spring and summer. Give them an extra moisture boost with a pebble tray and humidifier when you bring them indoors! During the fall and winter months, plants tend to drop leaves because of the heat and dryness. Grouping your plants next to each other, adding pebble trays and a humidifier will add extra moisture around the leaves.


Decrease your watering during the fall and winter months since the light will not be as intense, and your plant is not actively growing while in dormancy. The soil will take longer for the moisture to evaporate as cooler temperatures surround the roots. Monitor closely with our digital thermometer to know when your plants need watering.


Sunlight is less intense in the fall and winter, so your plants may drop a few leaves with the lighting changes to prepare for the lower light levels. However, since light levels are lower, remember to clean the leaves on your plants to maximize photosynthesis. Too much dust and dirt on leaves can really hinder your plants’ ability to soak up the sun!


Periodically, take your plant to the sink or shower and wash the leaves with a shower nozzle end on your watering can to remove the dust and any creepy crawlies hanging out. Skip this step if your plant has fuzzy leaves! Use filtered or tap water sitting for 24-48 hours to let the chemicals evaporate, especially with more sensitive plants.

Resist the urge to repot your houseplants in the fall and winter. Your plants are not actively growing, and changing the soil while in dormancy may shock them. Wait until they start actively growing in the spring to do this chore!

Lighting can be tricky during the cooler months as you crowd all your plants closer to the windows. If your light exposure is on the North side of your building or you don't get much light for your indoor plants, consider adding some grow lights to your space. Supplemental lighting can boost photosynthesis and keep your plants healthier during winter.